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"But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me" (John 15:26).


Today, let us focus on the word "Helper" because that is exactly who the Holy Spirit is to you. He is your Helper. Yet, many people live haplessly, never fully utilizing the assistance the Holy Spirit offers.


One significant way many believers fail to take advantage of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is in His ability to clarify and demystify things. Isaiah 11:3 tells us that one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit is to make us "of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD," enabling us to avoid rash judgments and decisions based on mere appearances or hearsay. Unfortunately, many live lives far from what they could be, simply because they do not seek the Holy Spirit's guidance.


Saints, much of life on earth is enveloped in mysteries. There are more spiritual beings operating on earth than humans. Never underestimate the Holy Spirit's ability to help you understand a dream, vision, situation, or person. Whenever you need understanding, speak in other tongues.


John 16:13 says, "...when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." The Holy Spirit’s role is to enlighten your mind, helping you grasp the meaning of a dream or problem so you can take appropriate action to benefit or avoid loss. But you must turn to the Holy Spirit during times of uncertainty.


It grieves the Holy Spirit when we have Him but do not seek His guidance in unclear situations. If you become sleepy during prayer, ask Him for help in tongues. If a dream or vision disturbs you, ask Him for its meaning and how to respond. If you are stuck in a dead-end job or career and don’t know what to do, ask the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit is a resource that should be constantly consulted. Don’t speak in tongues randomly about every situation. Instead, be targeted. When you face a difficulty, especially related to things you don’t understand, engage the Holy Spirit in your understanding. As you speak in tongues, the answers you need will come to your conscious mind.


Have a blissful day!


Faith-Filled Confession

I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit. I take advantage of His ministry to demystify secrets and uncertainties by speaking in tongues about these matters so that I always know what to do in every situation. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Prayer Direction

Prayer and Fasting - Day 5 of 7


  • Pray that Grace House Church will continue to be a God hub for those that are sick and afflicted (James 5:15, Psalm 147:3).

  • Pray that every plan and agenda for Grace House Church this year will be accomplished with speed and excellence (Proverbs 16:3).

  • Pray that no family member will miss any divine opportunity to advance and fulfill destiny this year (Psalm 37:23).

  • Declare that every opposition against Grace House Church and members of your family is defeated and ineffective (Isaiah 54:17).

  • Declare that through the ministry of Grace House Chruch and the lives of your family members, the kingdom of God expands exceedingly and is established in the hearts of men and that the name of our Blessed Lord is glorified this year (Matthew 5:16).

One-Year Bible Reading Plan: Job 31-32; Acts 13:1-23

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