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Grace Daily Devotional


“…My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10).


The notion that a Christian has ups and downs is not Bible truth. If your life experiences have been that of being up some days and down other days, you must put an end to that cycle now! It is far from what Jesus suffered and died for you to have. You must reject the notion that your suffering somehow glorifies God. Listen, God does not get any glory from watching you get whopped by the very things He has charged you to dominate. God gets no glory from you being cornered by the devil for the most part of this year. Don’t settle for second hand Christianity called religion; it would cost you everything that Jesus died for you to have. He died so that you could have a rich and satisfying life. Let that be your consciousness. Praise God! 

Now that you have received that life, be glorious in every way; be victorious on every count; be fabulous in everything. Live like a king. Praise God! I remember someone asking me, why are you so different? I said to him, “Because Jesus died for me.” It was my consciousness to live a fabulous life every day. I made up my mind a long time ago that the death of Jesus Christ was not going to be in vain in my life. My bible tells me that He was rich, and for my sake He became poor, so that I through His poverty might become rich. If this is indeed true, why then should I settle for lack or insufficiency? Jesus did not die so that we could have religion. He died so that we could live a life of celebration every day. Praise God! 

The Lord said to me, “I have called you to live like it is Christmas, for the rest of your life.” He went on to say, “Live lavishly; hold nothing back because you are my son. Live like a king because I came so that you could live a rich and satisfying life.” God doesn’t want us just to have a merry Christmas. He came so that we could have a merry life; one full of excitement, expectation, joy, thanksgiving and celebrations. Hallelujah! Yesterday was Christmas and for many it is over. Many have reverted to how their lives were prior to Christmas. They have gone back to a life of tension, misery, uncertainty, and hopelessness. But for you, the celebration continues. The Spirit of God daily loads you with the benefits required to live your fabulous life in Christ Jesus. 2 Peter 1:3 declares that “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence.”  

This image of endless celebration should be your consciousness each day. It’s very vital that you saturate your mind with the picture that your life is a symbol of a Holy Ghost jamboree: one of unending increase and favor. Mind you, your senses will never accord to this image. You may not feel it and there may be physical factors that oppose this picture that God has of you. But you must hold on to what God has presented to you. This is why I say over and over again that you must confess the Word consistently because with your confession of God’s Word, you compel any contrary image to line up with the reality of a life of endless celebrations, goodness and grace. Praise God!


Your life of endless celebrations is more real than anything else. So maintain this heavenly consciousness of celebration and remember that Jesus did not die in vain.


God Bless You!


Faith Filled Confession: 

The life and death of Jesus were not in vain. I enjoy all that He came for me to have. I live each day, in joyful celebrations and I thank God for all that He has done for me and in me. 



Prayer Direction


Number 23:23

No curse can be placed on Jacob,

And no magic shall be done against him.

For now it shall be said of Israel,

‘What wonders God has done for them!’


1. Declare that your family is an emblem of wonders by the Holy Ghost


2. Declare every calamity against you and your household is nullified in Jesus name.


3. Pray and declare that every member of your household entered 2025 with victory song on their lips.


4. Pray for those that are sick in their body and afflicted in their mind or emotions in your  sphere of influence; that they will be delivered from their affliction before the new year in Jesus name


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