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Thanksgiving Is Our Dialect

Grace Daily Devotional


“Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, those who follow Jesus have better uses for language than that. Don’t talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn’t fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect.” (Ephesians 5:4 Message). 

As a child of God, thanksgiving is your dialect. 1 Thessalonians 5: 18 MSG says “thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” Hence,having an attitude of thanksgiving is the way to experience the fulness of God in your life. Things may not always go as you planned, but in the midst of it all, you must remain thankful. It’s hard to find someone who has an attitude of thanksgiving who is at the same time miserable or depressed. Instead of being angry and bitter, why not thank God? In every situation, thank Him! No matter how you may feel, you must learn to function from the Word of God and thank Him anyway. Anger toward God or people because things are not going as planned is fruitless. David said in Psalm 37:8, “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil.” Anger is like drinking a poisonous drink in hopes that someone else gets hurt by it. Many of God’s people do not realize that anger, bitterness, and strife are the root of many life-threatening illnesses. James 3:16 says, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” In other words, these are the things that open you and your family up to ungodly influences. When you accommodate anger, you give the enemy the legal ground to do whatever he wills in your affairs. 

God wants to do a lot in you and through you. He has no desire to see that your prayers go unanswered or to see you live like one who is without God. When you tolerate anger, you can expect for your prayers to go unanswered and to have a life experience that is void of the God factor. However, if you desire to walk in the fullness of the blessing of God, you must be in-sync with the Holy Spirit through thanksgiving. Being thankful in every situation must become a lifestyle. Child of God, reject every excuse to accommodate anger and bitterness! James 1:20 declares, “For the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God.” Being angry and bitter will not produce the manifestation of God in your affairs; if anything, it will short-circuit the anointing of the Spirit and will leave you exposed to all manner of ungodly attacks which you may not be able to respond to. 

So I want to encourage you today with the words of Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 4:30-31, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” And Ephesians 5:4 reading the Message Translation “Don’t talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn’t fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect.” In other words, be thankful all the time no matter what happens. 


Paise God.   

Faith Filled Confession:

I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light; for I have been rescued out of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of God. Therefore, nothing that belongs to the kingdom of darkness is found in me; not envy, bitterness, jealousy or unforgiveness. I walk in the light even as Christ is in the light and I manifest love at all times.


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