"….that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:10-11).
Acts 4:12 says, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." The beautiful thing about this Scripture is that it says salvation is only in the name of Jesus. In other words, there is every kind of salvation in the name of Jesus. If you want salvation from sin, sickness, poverty, failure, you name it; it's all in the name of Jesus. No wonder Jesus said, Come unto Me every one that is weary and beat down in life, and I will give you rest with prosperity (Matthew 11:28)
The Greek word for salvation in Acts 4:12 is sótéria, and soteria means complete deliverance. It also means welfare, prosperity, preservation, salvation, and safety. In other words, the same day you got saved, you were severed from the bondage of lack, sickness, disappointments, and anything else that is contrary to God's will for your life. This is why it is an anomaly for one that is born again to be broken mentally, emotionally, physically, or financially. If you are experiencing brokenness of any kind, it's not because God hasn't done something about it because He has. He saved you from every form of brokenness and despair. Your job now is to reject anything contrary to what Christ has done.
Peter said, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you! Get up, and roll up your sleeping mat!" And he was healed instantly." (Acts 9:8). Peter didn't have to pray for him; he simply told him by the Holy Ghost what Jesus had already done for him. And when his eyes of understanding opened up, the works of Christ in his life sprang up to reality. Why didn't Peter pray? Peter didn't have to pray because Aeneas was a believer in Jesus. And as far as heaven was concerned, Aeneas was already healed and walking. God just needed someone to tell him what had already been done in Christ Jesus. One time, I was ministering, and as I was about to lay my hands on this person, I heard the Lord say, "It's already done." In other words, God did not see this person as sick or disadvantaged. Even though in the natural, I saw signs that they needed help. But God thought differently. He said that it was done and wanted me to tell this person what He said.
You may ask, "If it was done, why was this person in this situation?" The answer is simple. You cannot enjoy something if you don't know that it belongs to you. Had Aeneas known that Jesus already made him well, he would have walked in the light of it. But he suffered because he did not have a consciousness of Christ in his life. When you grasp the immensity of the Christ that lives in you, and all that He did for you, you will say like Peter, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Jesus, the name above all names, is the answer to every problem known and unknown to man.
Now that you have been saved by the name of Jesus endeavor to live by His name. If satan couldn't stop the firepower of the name, Jesus, at your salvation, he cannot stop the power when you confront any situation in Jesus' name. So, today, I encourage you to speak in the name of Jesus. Command your body to be in health, speak to your finances, speak over your marriage in Jesus' name. Call things that be not as though they were in the name of Jesus because, at the mention of Jesus, every knee will bow.
Praise God!
Faith-Filled Confession:
As I lay aside all that is inconsistent with God's Word, I receive with meekness the implanted Word of God to abide in my heart. And in the fullness of time, these words produce supernatural results for me until it is undeniable in my sphere of influence that I am a child of God. Hallelujah!