"But Jesus told him, "Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62).
Distraction is the mother of all aborted miracles. It is Satan's weapon to keep the church from walking in the fullness of the Spirit. There are two kinds of distractions: one comes from the outside and the other from within. The one from within is more potent than the one from the outside. Psalm 55:3 AMP says, "[And I am distracted] at the noise of the enemy, because of the oppression and threats of the wicked; for they would cast trouble upon me, and in wrath they persecute me." To David, the source of this inner noise was the oppression and threat of the wicked. But to you, it may be the noise of a bad relationship, fear, uncertainty on a job, a problem in the family, and the list goes on. This inner voice presents to you pictures of impossibilities, loss, and death, and it is Satan's way of keeping you from walking in the fullness of God's blessings in your life.
How many times have you closed your eyes to pray when suddenly, your mind wandered away unto other things? After which, all you could render was a religious prayer of "Bless me, Lord." The same thing can be said of times when you picked up your Bible to study, but then, you were distracted by other things that could have waited. Papa Kenneth Hagin shared about an experience he had when the Lord appeared to him. He said, "While Jesus was talking to me, an evil spirit that looked like a monkey ran between Jesus and me and spread out something that looked like a black cloud or a smokescreen. I couldn't see Jesus anymore. Then the demon began jumping up and down, waving his arms and legs and yelling in a shrill voice, "Yakety-yak. Yakety-yak." I paused for a moment. I could hear the voice of Jesus as He continued to talk to me, but I could not understand the words. I thought to myself, doesn't the Lord know I am missing what He is saying? I need to get that- it is important, but I am missing it." This continued until Papa Hagin got tired of the shenanigans and commanded that demon to be quiet in the name of Jesus name, and when he did, he said the demon fell down, and the black screen disappeared. Not only that, but he also commanded the demon to get up and get out, and of course, that demon ran out with fear. Only then was he able to see and hear Jesus clearly. Think about what he would have missed had he failed to take authority of that demonic distraction.
Whatever the distraction may be, you must understand that it is your responsibility to nail it to Satan's face and command him to stop his maneuvers. If you don't, God will continue to minister to you, but you may not receive it. The distraction doesn't affect God; the one who is distracted is the one that loses. This is why you must starve every element of doubt and unbelief and take authority over every negative thought you have allowed in the past—declaring that they have no power over you.
Praise God.
Faith-Filled Confession:
Though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the sea, my gaze will remain on God's Word. Though the waters roar and the mountains shake, I remain confidently at rest in Christ Jesus. The Lord of Heaven's armies, He is my God!