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Grace Daily Devotional


"I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. So choose life, so that you and your descendants may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19).


If you are going to do anything significant in life then you must apply yourself to FAITH AND PATIENCE. I had a conversation with a young man several years ago who was lamenting about the fact that things were not happening as fast as he would have preferred. He had initially felt that God was hiding him for something big but later on he started feeling as though life was passing him especially when we looked at the lives of others. Folks that he knew were getting married and starting families; some opened new businesses and bought houses. These things happening around him made him feel stuck in the lane of life, and so, he wanted out as fast as he could but didn't know how. As I spoke to him, the Lord revealed by a word of knowledge what was responsible for his situation. Long story short, this young man had a problem with commitment. Has had never committed to anything long-term. He was that “If I can’t have it now, I am moving to something else” kind of guy. His situation was the result of him leaving what God had for him for other things.


I have encountered so many like this young man over the years; they are gifted and anointed but lack stickability. They start out with energy and zeal until they encounter challenges. To believe that things should happen overnight or suddenly. They even quote Scriptures to defend their expectation of things happening suddenly that need time to occur. For the record, I do believe and expect that God would perform sudden miracles, but there is also a God-timing to everything and a faith response that we must give. Folks like these remind me of Jesus' words in Mark 4 when he explained the parable of the sower. Mark 4:16-17 says, “Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy.  But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.” What many of God's people have not come to grasp is that life is like a SEED that must be planted in the right soil. And for fruitfulness to occur, there must be a commitment to cultivation. Have you ever seen a seed grow into a tree in twenty-four hours? It doesn't happen that way because growth is a process. 

This month, the Lord is calling for commitment. He said, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. So choose life, so that you and your descendants may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19). In other words, commit to what He has chosen for you. To commit here means to bind or restrain oneself from other things that are inconsistent with what you have been bound to. 


So the question you must ask yourself is, "What has God chosen for me?" When you can answer that question, the Lord is saying, "Commit your time, resources, and all that I have blessed you with to it." In other words, give everything to it to the point that others see the result of your commitment. I hear God say, "Don’t act like you are doing something when you are actually not doing anything. And just doing the bare minimum is not commensurate to My grace that is upon you. It’s time to produce results, but I need your commitment. I need you to throw everything into the work and assignment that I have given to you. It’s time for My glory to be seen in you and through you. I, the Lord, require COMMITMENT from you for productivity and fruitfulness."


Faith-Filled Confession:

I am set on the path that I must follow. God’s purpose for my life is primary. I refuse to drift or go off course. I will fulfill God’s purpose for my life without reproach. Not by my power, not by my might, but by the Spirit of God. In Jesus' name, Amen.





Pray that new doors of opportunity for ministry be opened to them, and utterance be granted them to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ unhindered, without fear or reproach, but in power and effectiveness.

Pray for ministers who are facing severe persecutions, that they be strengthened to stand firm in all the will of God; and pray for the deliverance of those imprisoned for their faith in Christ Jesus.


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